With so much attention focused on mares and foals lately, it's easy to forget that well over 50% of our small companion animal empire is operated in the form of Canine Companion. I used to list Dog Trainer as my job title in the old days. It was typically good for a raised eyebrow or a nice conversation stimulant. Then, as the years passed, I began to opt for more anonymity- or maybe I began to find it harder to define my career. Now, I usually just list Self-Employed and hope that a well-meaning querant doesn't ask for me to elaborate.
After all, what would my job title be these days? Today, it may read something like this:
Foaling Attendant/ Dog Trainer/ Lesson Instructor/ Stall Cleaner/ Barn Owner/ Kennel Technician/ Stallion Manager/ Dog Groomer/ Part Time Accountant/ Secretary/ Animal Empath/ Receptionist/ Goat Herder/ Manager/ Raccoon Wrangler/ Mare Reproductive Specialist/ Dog Breeder/ and Homemaker. Of course like the majority of modern women, my most important job isn't even listed above. It would be wife and mother. But that's another story in itself.
So, it comes to mind that in this day when there are so many who are finding their jobs outsourced or downsized or downright eliminated, that I am blessed to be employed. While some (if not most) of my jobs are thankless and certainly underpaid, I can choose between many uniforms to wear on any given day. My co-workers are furry and friendly (well, mostly) and my boss is pretty neat to work for. In fact, some might say that although demanding my boss is funny, kind, and creative. Yes, I suppose that I would say that. In fact, I think I'll tell her how much I appreciate her as well as how smart, intelligent, and attractive she is.
Atta girl!