January 24, 2010

The March Hare

"The March Hare will be much the most interesting, and perhaps as this is May it won't be raving mad -- at least not so mad as it was in March."[1]  Carrol, Lewis, "Alices Adventures In Wonderland"

 As January prepares to bid us farewell, I rejoice that we are one month closer to Spring and the Madness it brings.  I noticed a rabbit earlier today and conversed with him briefly because everyone knows that you can't have a decent conversation with a rabbit between February and September. 

This particular hare wore a plush luxurious coat- likely still anticipating the remainder of Winter. It was darker than his Spring coat would be- foretelling that this has been a cold, wet, and harsh season.  When I run across rabbits, they are usually in a hurry. There are always dens to prepare, kits to feed, races to run- you know, the usual.

Shaking off these ideas, I bid him farewell as he slowly disappeared into the underbrush just beyond the fence line. I think I will take a cue from the March Hare and enjoy moving slowly for just a few more weeks. Once Spring arrives like the rabbit, I will have much to do.  

The March Hare and Mad Hatter try to put a doormouse into a teapot. 

Side Note: I recently reread Lewis Carrol's "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" and must say it is one of my favorite books. As a child, I was overwhelmed and sometimes frightened by its oddness and creativity- but, like many things that frighten us as children- I now find it peculiar and intriguing. Anyway, my favorite characters are the Mad Hatter and the March Hare so my rabbit sighting today was both timely and cause for introspection! Maybe it heralds an early Spring? 

Until Tomorrow, Khris

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